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This is your roadmap to information about Spin — the first and only standards-based IRAD (Internet Rapid Application Development) Environment.

Overview Overview — Why is Spin unlike anything you've ever seen before? And just how will Spin change the face of the Internet forever?

Tour Tour — See how easy it is to develop interactive programs using Spin. Includes many screen shots.

Developer Preview Release
Developer Preview Release — Information about the preview release of Spin; why Zat will sell only 500 copies of this release.

Convergence Target Users — They may be server-side developers, system integrators, or rich media web developers, but because of the Internet Convergence they are increasingly doing the same job.


FAQ — For answers to frequently asked questions about Spin.

Spinning World

Spin World — The place to find documentation (including the tutorial), example programs, new components, and technical support. Subscribe to the Spinterest mailing list, and get help from third-party consultants.


Download — Get a free evaluation copy of Spin.

Purchase —   You just gotta have it.

Scenarios — The future of the Internet: Ecommerce, Intranets, Multimedia, Games, Education, Interactive Television, and Distributed Internet Applications.

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