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Spin™ Developer Preview Release

The purpose of the Spin developer preview release is to engage software developers, Internet professionals, web developers and designers who will be building the next generation of Internet applications. We want to fuel development of components and vertical solutions to define the coming new world of component based software. Preview users have a tremendous opportunity to develop highly influential and profitable Internet applications and components.

We intend to work closely with the developer preview release customers. There has never been a product like Spin before, so we want to hear what we are doing right, and fix what we are doing wrong. We will be expecting a lot from these users, which is why we are both limiting the number of initial users to less than 500, and giving them a substantial discount from the retail price.

Do not misunderstand. This is not like the beta software that has been sent out by a few large corporations, hoping to get cheap help finding bugs. This is fully functional software. As our guarantee, we will upgrade the developer preview release to the regular release for free.

Zat is especially interested in encouraging component developers. Even though there are already thousands of components available, when the regular release of Spin occurs there will be demand for literally millions of components by people wanting to build Internet applications. Even more important, millions of components will not do anyone any good unless they are organized and accessible. Individuals and companies with highly specialized domain knowledge are needed to collect components together to build solutions and targeted tools for specific vertical applications.

We invite you to help shape a software revolution that will be as significant as the Industrial Revolution. The feudal era of software is coming to an end, and a new Zatgeist is upon us.

For information on the price of Spin, see the Purchase page.

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