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servlets saving state across debugging invocations: shouldn't

I just used it to send a card from to
I retrieved the card successfully. Now I try to run netcard
again, and when I click on one of the six images, it tries to
go to the URL http://localhost/servlet/request?imgfile=bcard2.jpg
but I get the "Your card has been successfully sent" page,
rather than the page where you fill in your message.

If I close the capsule request.zac, then it works ok.
Apparently, when the capsule is open, it is saving some
state that it should not be saving, which keeps it from
executing a second time. It seems like this is a bug in
our servlet execution, not in the netcard example itself.

** Wm 3/16/2000 **

Servlets appear to be using the old capsule on repeated invocation.
We must change it so they reconstruct the capsule from new like
on a web server.

** Philip 3/16/2000 **

Generated on: Mon Apr 10 11:49:40 PDT 2000