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Zat® Database Components



The Zat database components are a set of JavaBeans which facilitate SQL database access in Spin authored applications. The Zat database components and their supporting classes and resources make up the contents of the zat.sql package. This package is distributed with Spin in a jar file named zatSQL.jar.

The zatSQL.jar file contains seven publicly accessible JavaBeans. These are SqlDelete, SqlInsert, SqlSelect, SqlUpdate, SqlProcedureCall, SqlRawStatement and SqlConnection.

In addition to the beans themselves, the zat.sql package contains customizers with convenient graphical interfaces that facilitate configuration of all bean properties.

Spin supports a sophisticated connection pooling system that allows flexible configuration of shared connections to multiple data sources. Developers can take advantage of the convenient internal connection management implemented by the components or gain greater control by employing the SqlConnection component.

There are four basic steps to building database access into a Spin application:

  1. Place the zatSQL.jar file in the beans directory in the Spin directory.
  2. Configure database connections in the file.
  3. Use the SQL Bean customizers to build SQL statements.
  4. Create Spin Behaviors that execute the SQL statements and handle the results.

Redistribution of the Zat Database Components

You may not redistribute or deploy the Zat Database Components except as provided by the Zat license agreement (see the file License.txt).

Using the SQL Beans

Within the zatSQL.jar file there are JavaBeans Customizer classes for each of the database components. These are graphical editors which are used to configure the components and their properties. This section of the document describes the use of these customizers with each of the respective components, as well as describing how to make the components execute SQL statements.

Choosing a Component

Each of the different SQL beans has its own purpose.
ComponentSQL EquivalentPurpose
SqlInsertINSERTCreate a new row.
SqlDeleteDELETEDelete a row.
SqlUpdateUPDATEChange the data in an existing row or rows.
SqlSelectSELECTSearch the database and/or get the data from one or more rows.
SqlProcedureCallCALLPerform a computation or arbitrary operation.
SqlRawStatementAny of INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT or CALL Perform an operation which can't be built using the components above.
SqlConnection(users and passwords) Override the internal connection management.
An SQL bean may be added to a Spin capsule by selecting the appropriate bean from the zat.sql sub-menu of the Insert menu.

The customizer for a component is launched by double-clicking on the component in the capsule outline or using the Edit Custom menu item in the Actor menu. The Actor menu can also be brought up by right clicking the component in the outline.

Choosing a Connection

The first step in configuring a database component is to specify the data source on which the component will be operating. This involves selecting the name of the connection which will be used for editing and execution. For example, when adding a new instance of SqlInsert to a capsule, the user is presented with the following dialog when the editor is brought up.

Clicking on the Choose button below the Connection field brings up a dialog allowing the selection of a connection name from a list of names which are set up in the file.  The dialog looks like this:

Highlight the desired connection name and press the Ok button. The selected connection name will now appear in the Connection field.

Specifying a Database Object

The next step is to select a database object that the component will operate on. For the SqlDelete, SqlInsert and SqlUpdate components, this will be a single table. The SqlSelect component allows more than one table to be accessed using joins. In the case of the SqlProcedureCall component, the user selects a stored procedure. Continuing on with our SqlInsert example, the user specifies a table by pressing the Choose button beneath the Table field. This action brings up a dialog to choose a table.

Select the desired table and press the ok button. The component editor will now look something like this:


Specifying Columns in SqlInsert and SqlUpdate

The SqlInsert, SqlSelect, and SqlUpdate components require that the columns accessed during execution are specified. For SqlInsert and SqlUpdate, the selected columns are those to which data will be written in the database. For SqlSelect, the selected columns are those which will be included in rows returned in a result set.

In the case of SqlInsert and SqlUpdate, columns are specified using the Columns tab page of the respective editor. The Columns tab page looks like this:

To include a column, select it in the Available Columns list and press the add column  button. The column will be moved into the Insert Columns list. A column can be removed and returned to the Available Columns by selecting the column and pressing the remove column  button. The ordering of columns can be changed using the up and down buttons,  and .

Editing Columns in SqlInsert and SqlUpdate

For SqlInsert and SqlUpdate to perform any useful work, column values must be provided, typically by using the setParameterXX() methods. When columns are added to the component using the add column button, they are given a parameter name equal to the column name by default. This means that prior to execution of the SQL statement, a method call such as setParameterString("CITY", "Portland") should be invoked to set the column value. Values for columns can be set using the setParameterXX() methods, or by typing SQL syntax directly using the Edit Column dialog. The manner in which column values are set can be modified by selecting the column and pressing the Edit button. This action brings up the following dialog:

In the case above the column value will be set using a named parameter. The parameter could also be set by selecting SQL Syntax in the popup above the edit field and typing syntax into the field below. This would appear as:

In a SqlUpdate component, one additional option is available: The value of an update column can be set to the value of another column. This type of column value is shown below.


Syntax Preview

While statement-type database components are being edited, the generated SQL syntax can be viewed at any time by switching to the Syntax tab page:

Items with colons (:) in front of them are named parameters. These items are replaced with actual values by Spin behaviors via the setParameterXX() methods.

Conditions in SqlDelete, SqlSelect and SqlUpdate

Conditions are used to control the scope of operation of delete, select and update operations. The method of editing conditions in the Spin database components is identical for the three components which make use of conditions. These conditions become part of the WHERE clause in the SQL syntax generated by the component. The first step in configuring conditions is to select the Conditions tab on the customizer. To illustrated the process we will use a SqlDelete component which will be configured to delete row(s) from the CUSTOMER_TBL table. At first the editor appears as:

A condition can be added by pressing the add button, . Pressing this button brings up the Edit Condition dialog:

Editing a condition involves graphically creating an expression which consists of a left hand operand, an operator, and a right hand operand. The left hand operand is a column. The standard SQL relational operators are supported. These operators are:

= equals
<> does not equal
< less than
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
LIKE matches string
NOT LIKE does not match
IN is in a set of values
NOT IN is not in a set of values
IS NULL column contains no value
IS NOT NULL column contains a value

The operator is selected using the Operator popup.

The right hand operand may be a parameter, another column, or SQL syntax. The kind of right hand operand to be used is selected using the popup above the right hand operand. Like the Edit Column dialog, if the Parameter option is used, values must be provided by using one of the setParameterXX() methods before execution of the statement.

Editing Sorts in SqlSelect

The order in which results are returned by a SELECT can be specified in the Sorts tab of the SqlSelect editor. A dialog to edit a sort can be brought up by using the add button, , to create a new sort, or the Edit button to edit an existing sort.

The collation order of the sort can be either ascending or descending, and is set by selecting the ASC or DESC radio button, respectively.

The ordering of multiple sorts can be changed using the up and down buttons, and .

Editing Joins in SqlSelect

When more than one table must be accessed by a SqlSelect component it is necessary to create joins to link the related tables. In the SqlSelect editor, joins are edited from the Joins tab. Press the add button, , to create a new join. This action brings up the join editing dialog as shown below:

Select the columns to be joined and press the Ok button. The dialog will disappear bringing the Joins tab of the editor back to the top of the display:


Editing Column Formats in SqlSelect

The Formats tab of the SqlSelect editor shown below displays the returned data columns along with type and format information for each.

For each column in the list, the following information is displayed: the column name, the JDBC type, the Java type, and the format. The Java type is the type that will be used to represent the column value after it has been fetched from the database. Type conversions to the target Java type are performed automatically by the database components. The format is used to specify the formatting of a column value if it converted to string form, either during retrieval or using a method such as getColumnString(). The Java type and string format can be edited by selecting the desired column and pressing the Edit button. This action brings up a dialog which looks like:

Using this dialog, the Java type to be used for retrieved values can be set using the Java Type popup. Usually the default type is the best to use. Formats can be selected from a list of predefined formats or by typing the format string into the Format edit field using standard Java notation.


Editing Options

The SQL statement-related database components; SqlDelete, SqlInsert, SqlSelect, SqlUpdate, SqlProcedureCall, and SqlRawStatement, support a set of options which are set using the Options tab of the respective editor. The Options tab for the SqlSelect editor is show below as SqlSelect supports the full complement of options. Details on the meaning of these options is presented in the section entitled The Classes.


Editing SqlRawStatement

An example of an editor for SqlRawStatement is shown below. The appropriate verb should be selected using the Verb popup and the syntax of a single SQL statement should be typed into the text area. The example shown would return a count of customers in Portland.


Using Statement Components

All the components except SqlConnection represent SQL statements which need to be sent to the database for execution. To make a statement execute, a Spin Behavior should be created which invokes the execute() method of the component.

As discussed above, statements with conditions (with a WHERE clause) that are using named parameters, should have the value of those parameters set by invoking setParameterXX() methods on the object.

For SqlDelete, SqlInsert, and SqlUpdate components, once the execute() method has been invoked, nothing more needs to be done, unless the AutoClose and/or CloseOnException options have not been used, in which case the component's close() method should be invoked.

SqlSelect components are designed to return data to the Spin capsule one row at a time. For each row that matched the condition of the SELECT statement, a rowRetrieved event is generated. A Spin Behavior should be created which is activated by this event. That behavior, or others triggered along with it, can retrieve data from the row one column at a time, using getColumnXX() methods, or the entire row can be retrieved as a HashTable using getColumnValuesAsHashtable().

After all behaviors triggered by the rowRetrieved event have executed, the SqlSelect component sets up the next row of data and generates a new rowRetrieved event. Finally, a noMoreRows event is generated.

Editing and Using SqlConnection

The properties for a SqlConnection component are edited using an editor as shown below.

To make use of a SqlConnection component, a few Spin behaviors should be created to invoke the following methods on the SqlConnection:

Other Spin behaviors should be inserted which invoke the setSqlConnection() method on other components to cause those components to use this connection object.

Connection Management

In order to make efficient and tunable use of system resources in concurrent multi-user environments, the Zat database components make use of a connection pooling method. A configurable pool of connections is managed by supporting classes that make these connections available to components. These connections are created on demand and may be shared among several database components requiring connectivity to one data source.

There are two ways in which a database component obtains a connection in Spin: internally and externally.

The most convenient way of dealing with connections is to allow the component to obtain the connection internally. When a statement is configured during authoring, the connectionName property is set to indicate which pool should be used by the component to obtain a connection. When the component is called upon to do work, it handles obtaining the connection transparently, requiring no further work by the developer. By default, the database components use internal connection management.

Sometimes a greater deal of control is required than that provided by internal connection management. For example, when multiple database components need to use the same connection due to transaction ordering and/or interdependency requirements, internal connection management is not sufficient. In such a context, the database components allow external connection management in which the connection object is supplied to the component using the setSqlConnection() method to pass a SqlConnection object to the database component.

The connection manager is configured using the file. In the Spin development environment this file is located in the Spin directory. When a project is deployed on a Web server, this file must be located in the "current working directory" of the program that executes servlets.

The location of the current working directory depends on the operating system and Web server program (or servlet engine) running on your Web server. If you do not know the working directory for your Web server, Spin includes a servlet called printprops in the exampleservlets subdirectory. From Spin, save this servlet as a jar file and deploy it onto your Web server, then execute it and find the value of the user.dir property.

All Spin servlets running on the same Web server can share a single file.

A separate connection pool with a unique name must be defined in this file for each database that the Spin application will communicate with. Additionally, a separate pool must be defined for each user/password combination that the application will use to identify itself as it connects to each database.

Here is an example file which will be used to explain the settings which configure the connection manager.




In order to connect to a data source, a JDBC driver is required. Any JDBC drivers to be used in the connection pool must have their fully qualifed classnames included in the drivers property. Different drivers should be separated by a semicolon (;).
This property should be set to the filename where the connection manager writes its log entries. Initialization status messages and connection errors are written to this file.
Every pool of connections has a name. The defaultConnectionName property is set to the name to be used by default. This is the connection which is utilized the first time the SqlConnections browser is brought up in Spin.

The remaining properties are specific to each individual pool and take the form These properties are as follows.

This property is set to the URL used to designate the data source to the JDBC driver. Consult the documentation provided by the JDBC driver vendor to obtain the appropriate syntax for the URL.
This property determines the number of active connections allowed in the pool. If this property is omitted or set to a value of -1, then the number of connections is unlimited.
The user property is the username that will be used to connect to the data source.
The password property is the password that will be used to connect to the database.
Note: In situations where username and password are to be supplied at runtime, the user and password properties can be omitted. However, it is useful to have these set in the development environment to allow customization of database components using the identical connection name.
The transactionIsolation is the level of concurrency control to be used in any operation performed through the connection. Possible values are READ_COMMITTED, READ_UNCOMMITTED, REPEATABLE_READ, and SERIALIZABLE. These values correspond to those defined in the JDBC API. See the notes below in SqlConnection or consult the JDBC documentation for a more complete description of transaction isolation levels.  The values set in this property are used when connections are first created in the pool. The zat.sql.SqlConnection property, transactionIsolation, can be set at bean customization time, or at runtime using the setTransactionIsolation method.

SQL Connections Browser

Spin provides a window for viewing information about the data sources that have been configured using the file. This window is displayed by selecting the SQL Connections... menu item in the File menu.

PointBase Server

Spin comes bundled with an evaluation copy of the PointBase relational database server and client Java software, allowing development of database enabled applications without needing any software not included with Spin.  (Note: You may not deploy a PointBase server without first purchasing a fully licensed version from PointBase -- the evaluation server is provided for testing and development purposes.) The server may be executed from within Spin by setting the PointBaseServerLoadsAtStart property to true in the General tab of the Edit Preferences dialog in Spin. When this property is changed, Spin must be restarted for the change to take effect. The database server may also be executed as a separate application using the PointBase Server menu shortcut which is created during the installation of Spin.

The Components

The Zat database components provide a easy to use layer of functionality wrapping the JDBC API. There are six components which represent SQL statements and one which represents a connection to a data source. All of the components and supporting classes are in the package zat.sql.

The recommended way to configure a Spin database component is by utilizing the component's associated customizer, a graphical interface for setting the component's properties and configuration. The customizer for a database component can be obtained by double-clicking on the component in the Spin capsule outline or selecting Edit-Custom from the Actor menu. The Actor menu can also be brought up by right clicking the component in the outline.

For a database component to perform any useful work with a database, a connection to the database is necessary. Spin provides a connection pooling system which is discussed in greater detail above.

The first two classes in this section are SqlAbstractStatement and SqlProgrammedStatement statement. Both these classes are abstract, but contain public methods which are callable in subclass instances. Here is a visual representation of the class hierarchy:




Extends java.lang.object

SqlAbstractStatement is the superclass of SqlProgrammedStatement, SqlProcedureCall and SqlRawStatement. Subclasses of SqlAbstractStatement represent statements sent to the database for execution.


public void close()

Frees the resources of the statement.

public void execute()

Executes the statement.


Extends zat.sql.SqlAbstract

SqlProgrammedStatement is the superclass of SqlDelete, SqlInsert, SqlSelect and SqlUpdate.


public void resetParameters()

This method resets all parameter values to null and and sets each parameter object's isSet flag to false.

public void setMatchingParameterValues(Hashtable params)

Sets parameters from a hashtable. Parameter values can be grouped together in a hashtable as parameter name, value pairs. This method iterates through the keys in the hashtable. When a key matches an existing parameter name, the parameter is set to the associated value.

params - a hashtable containing the parameter name, value pairs

public void setParameterBlob(String name, SqlBlob value)

Sets the designated parameter to a SqlBlob value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterBoolean(String name, boolean value)

Sets the designated parameter to a boolean value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterByte(String name, byte value)

Sets the designated parameter to a byte value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterClob(String name, SqlClob value)

Sets the designated parameter to a SqlClob value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterDate(String name, java.sql.Date value)

Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Date value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterDouble(String name, double value)

Sets the designated parameter to a double value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterFloat(String name, float value)

Sets the designated parameter to a float value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterInt(String name, int value)

Sets the designated parameter to an int value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterLong(String name, long value)

Sets the designated parameter to a long value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterObject(String name, Object value)

Sets the designated parameter to an Object value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterShort(String name, short value)

Sets the designated parameter to a short value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterString(String name, String value)

Sets the designated parameter to a String value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterTime(String name, java.sql.Time value)

Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Time value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterTimestamp(String name, java.sql.Timestamp value)

Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Timestamp value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value



Extends SqlProgrammedStatement

SqlDelete is used to delete rows of data in a database.


The name of the pool from which to obtain the connection
A boolean property. If set to true, the resources used by the component are freed upon completion of execution or after the last row has been fetched if the components operation involves a result set. If set to false, the developer should invoke the close() method to free the resources used by the component.
A boolean property. If set to true, the components resources are freed when an exception occurs during processing. If set to false, the component is left in the state it was in when the exception occurred.
A boolean property. If set to true, parameters which are not set prior to execution are ignored and not used in the creation of SQL syntax sent to the database. If set to false, parameters which are unset prior to execution will cause an exception to be thrown.
A boolean property. If set to true, when a parameter is set using an empty string value, "", then the parameter is considered to be unset. If set to false, the parameter being set is not ignored and has a value of "".


executionCompleted - fired when the SQL command has completed execution




Extends SqlProgrammedStatement

SqlInsert is used to insert new rows of data into a database.


The name of the pool from which to obtain the connection
A boolean property. If set to true, the resources used by the component are freed upon completion of execution or after the last row has been fetched if the components operation involves a result set. If set to false, the developer should invoke the close() method to free the resources used by the component.
A boolean property. If set to true, the components resources are freed when an exception occurs during processing. If set to false, the component is left in the state it was in when the exception occurred.
A boolean property. If set to true, parameters which are not set prior to execution are ignored and not used in the creation of SQL syntax sent to the database. If set to false, parameters which are unset prior to execution will cause an exception to be thrown.
A boolean property. If set to true, when a parameter is set using an empty string value, "", then the parameter is considered to be unset. If set to false, the parameter being set is not ignored and has a value of "".


executionCompleted - fired when the SQL command has completed execution




Extends SqlProgrammedStatement

SqlSelect is used to retrieve rows of data from a database.


The name of the pool from which to obtain the connection
A boolean property. If set to true, the resources used by the component are freed upon completion of execution or after the last row has been fetched if the components operation involves a result set. If set to false, the developer should invoke the close() method to free the resources used by the component.
A boolean property. If set to true, the components resources are freed when an exception occurs during processing. If set to false, the component is left in the state it was in when the exception occurred.
A boolean property. If set to true, parameters which are not set prior to execution are ignored and not used in the creation of SQL syntax sent to the database. If set to false, parameters which are unset prior to execution will cause an exception to be thrown.
A boolean property. If set to true, when a parameter is set using an empty string value, "", then the parameter is considered to be unset. If set to false, the parameter being set is not ignored and has a value of "".
This integer property is used to limit the number of rows retrieved. If the count of rows reaches the number set in this property, the retrieveLimitReached event is fired. The default value of this property is -1, which means the number of rows to be retrieve is unlimited.


executionCompleted - fired when the SQL command has completed execution

noMoreRows - fired when the next() method is invoked and there are no more rows available to be retrieved

retrieveLimitReached - fired when the number of rows retrieved has reached the count set in the retrieveLimit property.

rowRetrieved - fired after a row has been retrieved


public boolean columnWasNull(int index)

Returns whether or not a column was null.

index   the index of the column (1 - n)

true if column was null, false otherwise

public boolean columnWasNull(String name)

Returns whether or not a column was null.

name -the name of the column

true if column was null, false otherwise

public SqlBlob getColumnBlob(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public SqlBlob getColumnBlob(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public boolean getColumnBoolean(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public boolean getColumnBoolean(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public byte getColumnByte(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public byte getColumnByte(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public SqlClob getColumnClob(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public SqlClob getColumnClob(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public java.sql.Date getColumnDate(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public java.sql.Date getColumnDate(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public double getColumnDouble(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public double getColumnDouble(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public float getColumnFloat(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public float getColumnFloat(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public int getColumnInt(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public int getColumnInt(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public long getColumnLong(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public long getColumnLong(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public Object getColumnObject(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public Object getColumnObject(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public short getColumnShort(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public short getColumnShort(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public String getColumnString(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public String getColumnString(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public java.sql.Time getColumnTime(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public java.sql.Time getColumnTime(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public java.sql.Timestamp getColumnTimestamp(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public java.sql.Timestamp getColumnTimestamp(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public boolean columnWasNull(String name)

Returns whether or not a column was null.

index   the index of the column 1-n

true if column was null, false otherwise

public Hashtable getColumnValuesAsHashtable()

Places all column values in the most recently fetched row into a hashtable with the column names as keys.

a hashtable containing column name, value pairs from the current row



Extends SqlProgrammedStatement

SqlUpdate is used to update rows of data in a data source.


The name of the pool from which to obtain the connection
A boolean property. If set to true, the resources used by the component are freed upon completion of execution or after the last row has been fetched if the components operation involves a result set. If set to false, the developer should invoke the close() method to free the resources used by the component.
A boolean property. If set to true, the components resources are freed when an exception occurs during processing. If set to false, the component is left in the state it was in when the exception occurred.
A boolean property. If set to true, parameters which are not set prior to execution are ignored and not used in the creation of SQL syntax sent to the database. If set to false, parameters which are unset prior to execution will cause an exception to be thrown.
A boolean property. If set to true, when a parameter is set using an empty string value, "", then the parameter is considered to be unset. If set to false, the parameter being set is not ignored and has a value of "".


executionCompleted - fired when the SQL command has completed execution




Extends SqlAbstractStatement

SqlProcedureCall is used to invoke stored procedures in the database.


The name of the pool from which to obtain the connection
A boolean property. If set to true, the resources used by the component are freed upon completion of execution or after the last row has been fetched if the components operation involves a result set. If set to false, the developer should invoke the close() method to free the resources used by the component.
A boolean property. If set to true, the components resources are freed when an exception occurs during processing. If set to false, the component is left in the state it was in when the exception occurred.
This integer property is used to limit the number of rows retrieved. If the count of rows reaches the number set in this property, the retrieveLimitReached event is fired. The default value of this property is -1, which means the number of rows to be retrieve is unlimited.


executionCompleted - fired upon completion of execution

noMoreRows - fired when the next() method is invoked and there are no more rows available to be retrieved

retrieveLimitReached - fired when the number of rows retrieved has reached the count set in the retrieveLimit property.

rowRetrieved - fired after a row has been retrieved


public boolean getColumnBoolean(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public boolean getColumnBoolean(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public byte getColumnByte(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public byte getColumnByte(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public byte[] getColumnBytes(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public byte[] getColumnBytes(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public java.sql.Date getColumnDate(int index)

index   the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public java.sql.Date getColumnDate(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public double getColumnDouble(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public double getColumnDouble(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public float getColumnFloat(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public float getColumnFloat(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public int getColumnInt(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public int getColumnInt(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public long getColumnLong(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public long getColumnLong(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public Object getColumnObject(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public Object getColumnObject(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public short getColumnShort(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public short getColumnShort(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public String getColumnString(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public String getColumnString(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public java.sql.Time getColumnTime(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public java.sql.Time getColumnTime(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public java.sql.Timestamp getColumnTimestamp(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public java.sql.Timestamp getColumnTimestamp(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public Hashtable getColumnValuesAsHashtable()

Places all column values in the most recently fetched row into a hashtable with the column names as keys.

a hashtable containing column name, value pairs from the current row

public void setMatchingParameterValues(Hashtable params)

Sets parameters from a hashtable. Parameter values can be grouped together in a hashtable as parameter name, value pairs. This method iterates through the keys in the hashtable. When a key matches an exiting parameter name, the parameter is set to the associated value.

params   a hashtable containing the parameter name, value pairs

public void setParameterBlob(String name, SqlBlob value)

Sets the designated parameter to a SqlBlob value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterBoolean(String name, boolean value)

Sets the designated parameter to a boolean value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterByte(String name, byte value)

Sets the designated parameter to a byte value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterClob(String name, SqlClob value)

Sets the designated parameter to a SqlClob value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterDate(String name, java.sql.Date value)

Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Date value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterDouble(String name, double value)

Sets the designated parameter to a double value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterFloat(String name, float value)

Sets the designated parameter to a float value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterInt(String name, int value)

Sets the designated parameter to an int value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterLong(String name, long value)

Sets the designated parameter to a long value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterObject(String name, Object value)

Sets the designated parameter to an Object value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterShort(String name, short value)

Sets the designated parameter to a short value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterString(String name, String value)

Sets the designated parameter to a String value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterTime(String name, java.sql.Time value)

Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Time value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value

public void setParameterTimestamp(String name, java.sql.Timestamp value)

Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Timestamp value.

name - the name of the parameter
value - the value



Extends SqlAbstractStatement

This component allows any valid SQL syntax to be submitted to the database. This removes any limitation on the kind of SQL commands which can be used such as complex nested statements or groupings not supported by the graphically configured components. The component, in effect, provides a convient general wrapper to the JDBC API to execute database statements.


A boolean property. If set to true, rows are retrieved automatically when the execute() method is called until there are no more rows to retrieve. If set to false, the user must invoke the next() method to cause a row to be retrieved.
A boolean property. If set to true, the components resources are freed when an exception occurs during processing. If set to false, the component is left in the state it was in when the exception occurred.
This integer property is used to limit the number of rows retrieved. If the count of rows reaches the number set in this property, the retrieveLimitReached event is fired. The default value of this property is -1, which means the number of rows to be retrieve is unlimited.
This property is set to a string which contains the actual syntax submitted to the database for execution.
This String property is set to the SQL verb of the command being sent to the database. Valid values for this property are DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE and CALL


executionCompleted - fired upon completion of execution

noMoreRows - fired when the next() method is invoked and there are no more rows available to be retrieved

retrieveLimitReached - fired when the number of rows retrieved has reached the count set in the retrieveLimit property.

rowRetrieved - fired after a row has been retrieved


public boolean getColumnBoolean(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public boolean getColumnBoolean(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public byte getColumnByte(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public byte getColumnByte(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public byte[] getColumnBytes(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public byte[] getColumnBytes(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public java.sql.Date getColumnDate(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public java.sql.Date getColumnDate(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public double getColumnDouble(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public double getColumnDouble(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public float getColumnFloat(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public float getColumnFloat(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public int getColumnInt(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public int getColumnInt(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public long getColumnLong(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public long getColumnLong(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public Object getColumnObject(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public Object getColumnObject(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public short getColumnShort(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public short getColumnShort(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public String getColumnString(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public String getColumnString(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public java.sql.Time getColumnTime(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public java.sql.Time getColumnTime(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public java.sql.Timestamp getColumnTimestamp(int index)

index - the index of the column (1 - n)

the value of the column

public java.sql.Timestamp getColumnTimestamp(String name)

name - the name of the column

the value of the column

public void setParameterBoolean(int index, boolean value)

Sets the designated parameter to a boolean value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterByte(int index, byte value)

Sets the designated parameter to a byte value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterBytes(int index, byte value)

Sets the designated parameter to a byte[] value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterDate(int index, java.sql.Date value)

Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Date value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterDouble(int index, double value)

Sets the designated parameter to a double value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterFloat(int index, float value)

Sets the designated parameter to a float value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterInt(int index, int value)

Sets the designated parameter to an int value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterLong(int index, long value)

Sets the designated parameter to a long value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterObject(int index, Object value)

Sets the designated parameter to an Object value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterShort(int index, short value)

Sets the designated parameter to a short value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterString(int index, String value)

Sets the designated parameter to a String value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterTime(int index, java.sql.Time value)

Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Time value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value

public void setParameterTimestamp(int index, java.sql.Timestamp value)

Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Timestamp value.

index - the index of the parameter (1 - n)
value - the value



Extends Object

SqlConnection is Spin's representation of a database connection. This component wraps a JDBC connection obtained from the connection pool and adds functionality used by the database components. Quite often the developer need not be concerned with this component because of the intrinsic internal connection management implemented by the database components. However when greater control is necessary, the developer can make use of SqlConnection.


The name of the pool to which the connection belongs. This is not the username used to connect to the database.
The database username of the connection
The database password of the connection
A boolean property. Set to true if the connection is to automatically commit after any operation, false if not
The level of concurrency control use in the operations of the connection. The valid values for this property are taken from the transaction isolation levels defined in java.sql.Connection. These are:
TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED1 Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED2 Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ4 Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur.
TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE8 Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.




public void commit()

Commits the work done by the connection since the last commit or rollback.

public void connect()

Connects to the database

public void disconnect()

Frees the connection. If the connection uses an application-supplied username and password, the connection is closed at the JDBC level. Otherwise, the connection is returned to the pool it came from.

public void rollback()

Rolls back all changes to the database since the last commit or rollback.

27 March 2000 — kent, brian, wm